Thursday, February 12, 2009

Recession Worries or Fun and Singing?

So, in waiting for a google chat to start up, I wonder about the worries many of us have these days. I am job hunting, and trying to find a new career/job/work and thinking about the future of the individual in the work environment. Are we all going to be entrepreneurs? Trying to build new teams with new people every time we start a new project? So, I could be thinking sober thoughts about serious subjects.

Instead, I am smiling about the fabulously funny and amazing singers I just watched in the local high school choir show, "And Then There Were Nuns". For a couple of joyful hours, almost a thousand people put aside all extraneous headaches, and spent a lot of time listening to beautiful rich voices, young and old, soloists and enthusiastic groups acting and singing in such exuberance. Everyone on stage just sang with all their heart, and we the audience cheered and whistled and clapped and laughed. I am so thrilled that they can be humorous - sometimes slapstick - sometimes shtick - in very broad silly skits - and we can all immerse ourselves in fun Broadway show tunes and 200 outrageous nun costumes.

What a great joy to sit with old friends and youngsters growing up, all enjoying singing and laughing together. The best!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Job Hunting

To all of the dozens and dozens of people attending the CSix luncheon today, it was a great turnout.

The advice was quite pertinent - update and maintain a great LinkedIn web profile, so people can find out about your skills and abilities.

Make sure your profile demonstrates your value to the potential hiring organization! Try to have it show up in your Google search, so that a recruiter or hiring manager can find out about you quickly and easily.

If you wanted to hide something - forget about it! (We can find out everything we want to know, these days!)

On your profile, make the Summary section really punch out. Focus on engaging and connecting with people, and describe the work that you want to be doing with passion and enthusiasm.

Remember to put search words, functions, titles, and special acronyms or terminologies into the Specialties section.

Research your target companies and go find their blogs, their twitters, and columnists who blog and twitter about those companies. Keep up to date on what's happening in the industry and with related competitors.